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The Frenchman's Bride Page 4

  He was laughing, and I refused to dignify his remark with an answer. I could almost hear my dad’s voice in my head saying, “Be careful, Chelsea. That man has a hard time controlling his pecker!” I smiled at the thought. Daddy was hardly ever wrong about things like that.



  The weather in Southern California was magnifique! Warm sunshine and cool Pacific sea breezes almost every single day. It was perfect for relaxing out on the patio of the coffee shop. I chose one of the funky old velvet sofas in the corner of the small lush yard and made myself comfortable, as I kicked back in enjoyment of the hip seaside vibe.

  Rolande had been surprisingly agreeable about the business proposal which I was about to make to Chelsea Dixon. In fact, he had reacted in an absolutely enthusiastic manner when I ran it past him after the lunch meeting. It wouldn’t surprise me if he had designs on her himself. That little bastard.……. I would have to squash his delusions of grandeur later.

  Right now, I needed to concentrate on getting Chelsea onboard with it. And if she wanted to do it, she would surely find a way to convince her partner of the same. She struck me as the type of girl who didn’t give up very easily, and I had a feeling whatever Chelsea wanted, Chelsea got. We were a lot alike in that respect. Little did she know how much I wanted her.

  I watched her walk into the café and felt my core temperature rise as the hostess escorted her out to me. She had gone home and changed out of her work uniform and into a short and flirty little flowered sundress. So much for her little hard-to-get act! Her beautifully long legs shined in the afternoon sunlight. Their remarkable resemblance to luxuriously silky smooth French chocolate was not lost on me. They went on forever….all the way up to her adorable perky ass. Holy fuck! I hungered to taste every delicious inch of her! Thankfully, my sunglasses hid my obvious wolf-like leer as I struggled not to salivate like the dog that I actually was. I stood up and gestured with my hand for her to join me on the patio sofa.

  “Thank you so much for meeting me here, Chelsea.” I said, as I situated myself back down beside her. I attempted to hide my cement-hard rod with a throw pillow.

  “Dare I say, you give the beauty of the ocean a run for its money. How can it even compete? Especially with you in that dress? You look positively stunning!”

  “Thank you, but I had to get out of my work clothes. I just threw on the first thing I came across in my closet. So what’s this deal you were talking about?”

  “You mean you didn’t select that sweet sexy little outfit specifically with me in mind? I’d be disappointed if you didn’t.”

  “Wow! You really are full of yourself aren’t you? Believe it or not, not every woman you meet is trying to impress you or sleep with you, Mr. Simon.”

  “Maybe not every woman, but most are. You have nothing to worry about though, Chelsea. You don’t need to try. You’ve already impressed me and as for bedding me……… all you have to do is say when.”

  She blushed at the suggestion. I suspected it was because she knew it was the truth and she thoroughly enjoyed having that amount of power.

  “Are you going to tell me your business proposal now or not?”

  A petite and very tanned teenage girl suddenly appeared to take our order.

  “I apologize for getting off subject. What would you like to drink, Chelsea? Are you hungry? They have a light menu here as well.”

  “Just an iced tea for me, thank you.”

  “And I’ll have an iced mocha latte, please.”

  After the server was out of hearing range, I added: “I certainly don’t want any of their desserts. Not after eating yours. Yours are the new gold standard for me now. Have you considered trying to get your French Chocolate pastries into the shops around here?”

  “That is part of our business plan, actually. Tiff and I have only been back in the states a couple of months. We’ve been concentrating on the catering aspect of it right now. But we definitely have plans on expanding into the retail area as well. We hope to have our own pastry shop or possibly our own restaurant someday.”

  “Did you say Tiff?”

  “Yes, Tiffany Simpson, my business partner.”

  “Oh yes, that’s right. I recall seeing her name on your card. The other half of French Chocolate. Tell me about her.”

  “What do you want know? She’s great.”

  “I’m sure she is. But I’m curious about a few things. Like, where is she today? And have you known her for very long? Is she as hard-working and responsible as you are? And how well do the two of you get along? Did she train in France with you?”

  “You’re not exactly shy with the questions, Mr. Simon…”

  “You’ll find I’m not shy about anything, Chelsea. Life is too short,” he replied with a shit eating grin.

  Our waitress brought our drinks and I watched with perverted pleasure as Chelsea inserted her straw between her deliciously full lips and sucked on her tea. I imagined them wrapped tightly around me and giving me pleasure. If she could read my mind, she would have probably stormed out on the spot. Once again, I was faced with controlling the involuntary movement in the crotch of my pants.

  “Tiffany is the closest thing I have to a sister. Most people think we actually are sisters. We’ve been inseparable practically our whole lives. She’s working a baby shower today, and yes, she works as hard as I do. Her work ethic is second-to-none and I would trust her with my life. We trained and worked in restaurants together up in San Francisco before completing our culinary arts education in France. My folks used to own a small café in the bay area before my momma passed away.”

  I was impressed at how fiercely she defended her partner and also truly touched when she teared up at the mere mention of her parents. She obviously loved them dearly. I always wondered what that would be like. I took her soft delicate hand in both of mine, hoping to offer sincere consolation.

  “I’m so sorry about your mother, Chelsea. Is your father still alive?”

  “Yes. He’s still up there in San Fran. He couldn’t work the restaurant without mama though. He said his heart just wasn’t in it, plus with him being disabled from the Gulf War and all. It was too much. He lives in an assisted-living home now. I go see him as much as I can.”

  “Your father is a lucky man to have a daughter like you. A very lucky man, indeed.”

  “Actually, Blaize, I’m the one who’s lucky. He’s the best daddy a girl could have. He made all of this possible for me.”

  She called me Blaize! Things were going swimmingly now. She was comfortably sharing her feelings with me and finally calling me Blaize. I was making headway in my quest to win her over.

  “I hope I’m able to meet your father someday. He is obviously a very smart man to invest in you. Not to mention the fact that he is still able to command your love and respect, even now that you’re grown. That’s quite admirable. I envy him.”

  “He is special all right. That’s for sure. Are we ever going to get around to talking business sometime today?” Chelsea laughed.

  “What makes you think we’re not already talking business? We have definitely been talking business. In order for me to make you this proposition, I needed to learn a bit more about you and Tiffany. This is more of an informal interview. I’m very careful about whom I choose for business associates. I’m pleased to tell you that you’ve passed the test and exceeded my expectations, which were already very high, by the way.”

  “Business associates? What are you talking about? You haven’t even told me anything about the deal you’re proposing. How do you know I’m interested? What makes you think I want YOU for MY business associate. You’ve got some giant balls!”

  “We can talk about my balls later……As I was saying, I’m confident you’ll accept my proposal because you would have to be a complete fool not to. And I know your mom and pop surely didn’t raise a fool for a daughter.”



  I had to admit….. Mr. Bla
ize Simon was breaking down my defenses. Was he actually being real with me today? I couldn’t tell for sure. He certainly could be charming when he wanted to be. But he was also a very smooth talker and my intuition told me probably also a champion bullshitter. I decided it would be best not to drop my guard too soon, just in case. He was right about one thing………my folks didn’t raise a fool.

  As I approached our little yellow house, the sight of Tiffany out in the tiny front yard made my heart race. I couldn’t wait to tell her about my day. She was squatting down, clipping the pink blooms off of our hydrangea bushes and plunking them into her metal watering can, completely unaware that her life was about to change. It was all I could do not to call her with the exciting news earlier, but I was really looking forward to seeing her reaction in person. Finally, the time had come; she was literally only a handful of minutes away from going completely ballistic.

  “Hi Tiff! Have you been home long?”

  “Not too long. Maybe an hour, that’s all.” As she slowly stood up with her bouquet, her eyes widened in surprise. “Where have you been? That is definitely not your work uniform. You look way too good! Did you have a date or something?”

  “I’ve got so much to tell you Tiffany. Let’s go sit out back. I’m thirsty. What do we have to drink in the fridge?”

  “I made a pitcher of fresh lemonade when I got home. It should be nice and chilled by now. I’ll be out in there in a couple minutes. Lemme put these flowers in Grandma Libby’s vase first.”

  I put the refreshing pitcher of lemonade and 2 glasses on a tray and headed out back to our glider porch swing. My news could wait a couple of minutes. I didn’t want to risk shocking Tiffany while she was holding a valuable and breakable family heirloom.

  “All right. What’s this about? By that sexy number you’re wearing, I’d say it’s about a man. Hey, before you start, aren’t you gonna ask me how the baby shower went?”

  “Oh yeah. I’m sorry, sure…… did it go?”

  “Everybody loved our stuff Chelsea. I got a ton of referrals. So that was great. But that mother-to-be at the party was just awful. I swear, it was hard for me to bite my tongue, but I somehow managed to keep my mouth shut. All she did was bitch and moan about everything: Her weight gain, her sore feet, her maid being incompetent, her hairstylist being on vacation. It went on and on. I feel sorry for that woman’s poor child when it’s born.”

  “I’m sorry the baby shower wasn’t the fun joyful celebration it should have been. That’s too bad. What’s with some people anyway?”

  “Nevermind those other people now, Chelsea. What happened at that big shot meeting today? And who were you trying to seduce in that dress?”

  “Seduce? You think I look like I’m trying to seduce somebody?”

  “Hell, are you kidding? You look so fine, you’re starting to seduce ME! What gives?”

  I thought it best to reveal the details of the afternoon very gradually to Tiffany, allowing her time to fully process everything that had transpired. It was a lot to digest. Just telling her that the big Santa Monica meeting had turned out to be a contract negotiation luncheon for Blaize Simon was enough to set her off.

  She was so stunned she almost dropped her lemonade and fell off the porch swing. She started cussing a blue streak because she had worked “that goddamn baby shower” and missed her chance to meet Blaize AGAIN. “Twice in one fucking lifetime is just too much for me to bear, Chelsea!”

  “Calm down Tiff! I think you’re gonna feel pretty lucky in a minute here. I’m not finished with my story…….”

  “What happened?! Did he say he liked our desserts? Nothing would make me happier than if he told you that. Did he tell you that?”

  I smiled secretly to myself. I knew what I was about to say was going to send her completely over the edge. But it was time to go in for the kill………

  “Tiffany, he LOVES our desserts. He offered us a business proposal.” I allowed time to let my words sink again.

  “Are you shitting me? You better not be shitting me! If you are, I swear I will never forgive you!”

  “He asked me to have coffee with him, after the meeting….”

  Tiffany squealed and hooted for literally 2 solid minutes straight before saying anything comprehensible.

  “You had coffee with Blaize Simon?! Just the 2 of you? Like a date? That explains that dress! You put that dress on for him! I knew it! Wait a minute…….I thought you didn’t even like him. You said he was an arrogant asshole. Why would you want to look sexy for him?”

  “I was just trying to look nice that’s all. My work clothes were stained with chocolate.”

  “You can drop the pretense Chelsea. You can admit you’re hot for him. What was his business proposal? Is it something tawdry, I hope? Something that involves me too?”

  I decided to ignore Tiffany’s accusations and continue on with my story.

  “Blaize Simon is going to be doing a number of book signings around the nation to promote his latest novel in the vampire trilogy………” Tiffany completed my sentence for me.

  “Midnight Hunter: Sweet Revenge!”

  “That’s right. Since the plot is about a French vampire who leaves sweet treats at the scene of each of his victims, Blaize thought it would be a cool promotional gimmick for us to serve our pastries and candies to everybody who purchases a copy of the book at the event. He realizes we probably can’t do the national tour with him but suggested we at least do whatever California bookstores we can fit into our schedule. He’s prepared to purchase as much product as necessary for each event. His agent is already onboard with the idea. He thinks the book’s tie-in with our French Chocolate is a win-win situation for all of us. Isn’t it fantastic, Tiff?! I told Blaize I would have to get your approval first, of course. So what do you say partner? It’s the opportunity of a lifetime! Do you feel lucky now?”

  Tiffany was on cloud nine the entire time I was talking. She may have only heard every other word I said, but she still gave me the answer I was looking for:

  “Does a bear shit in the woods, girlfriend?!!”



  “What? Still no chef, Rolande?” I stared down in disappointment at my continental breakfast of coffee, juice and breakfast pastries.

  “You expected me to find and secure a reputable chef in two days? Sit down and eat. You’ll be pleasantly surprised. I went down to the girls’ house in Venice and got us some French Chocolate pastries.”

  “Rolande, I could kiss you! Forgive my childishness. Let’s dig in!”

  We both immediately started scarfing down the entire plateful of delectable goodies, all the while making lip-smacking, finger-licking noises.

  “Oh my god, Rolande! This chocolate spice cake is out of this fucking world! Shit! How do they do it? It goes perfectly with the hazelnut coffee.”

  “I know! Those girls are magical baking wizards. Hand me one of those things……what is that?”

  “It looks like a chocolate chip crème puff. Those are equally orgasmic. Job well done, Rolande. I think I just might keep you around……….”

  “Thanks a lot, your royal dickness. Hey, have you met Chelsea’s partner, Tiffany Simpson, yet? I just met her this morning.”

  “No, I haven’t. I’m looking forward to meeting her today at the book signing. Thus far, I only have Chelsea’s word regarding her reliability. What’s she like?”

  “She’s fantastic! She’s funny as shit, and very personable. Kind of sassy, big and brassy – to coin a phrase.”

  “Big? What do you mean by big?”

  “Just big, beautiful luscious curves, and an equally big personality. Full-figured and full of attitude! Your fans are going to love French Chocolate. Those girls are going to knock’em dead, Blaize. I have to say your idea is truly inspired, my friend.”

  “Well thank you, Rolande. I’m feeling even more excited about it now. I can’t wait to see our dynamic duo in action this afternoon.”

sp; The line of fans at the Santa Monica bookstore snaked around the block and down the Third Street Promenade. The front window prominently displayed my latest novel Midnight Hunter: Sweet Revenge, as well as a life-size cardboard figure of me. French Chocolate was all set up in the back and ready to serve their sinful treats to everyone who purchased a copy of any of my books. I laid out two new pens in front of me in preparation for the continual scrawling of my famous signature over the next 90-minutes.

  Chelsea had introduced Tiffany to me earlier, upon my arrival. The poor girl nearly went to pieces when I brought her hand up to my lips and said, “Enchanté.” Rolande was absolutely correct; she was a firecracker and I immediately knew she would be a splendid addition to our promotional team.

  Despite the excitement going on outside the store, my focus was still on Chelsea. Her combination of awesome ability and beauty was the ultimate turn-on for me. My unrelenting desire for her was both unprecedented and disconcerting. I had never felt that way about a woman I had yet to enter. Come to think about it, I’d never felt that way, period. It was going to be a fantastic event today; just knowing that I would be able to glance over and see her during the laboriously tedious process of signing all those books was already giving me a thrill.

  Rolande had originally suggested that the girls wear vampire make-up, or at least fangs for all of the events but I just couldn’t bear the thought of altering Chelsea’s face in any way; I needed to be able to soak in the full beauty of it, like a piece of fine art. I had briefly entertained the notion of the ladies wearing skimpy little French maid outfits, but common sense prevailed: There was no way either of those two strong, proud women would agree to prancing around like sex kittens in public.

  Still, it was a delightful picture in my brain. In the end, we all agreed they would wear blood-red, silk sheath dresses which were both classy and dramatic. Chelsea and Tiffany looked sexy, powerful and a bit devilish; absolutely perfect for the event. I couldn’t help but wonder what Chelsea was wearing underneath; a black lace bra? Tiny thong panties? Maybe nothing at all. My cock hardened under the table as I pictured her in various types of sexy lingerie.