Rescued by the Cowboy Read online

Page 13

  But the bed didn’t feel right. It wasn’t soft like the one she had at Westbrooke Ranch. It felt familiar though. Her brain recognized the feel of the bed. She had slept in it many times, and cried on it on more occasions than she cared to admit.

  She shot up as it hit her. “Dan,” she gasped.

  He was right in front her, full flesh and blood. They were in their old room while she had been tolerating his beatings and emotional attacks. The room didn’t feel familiar to her, she realized that it was a room filled with all kinds of luxury but all she could think of was Logan and the Westbrooke Ranch. She wanted to go back to Logan. What in god’s name, was she doing with Dan? Her ex-husband was still as tall and darkly handsome as ever. His eyes were a cool shade of brown that reminded one of coffee and he had an easy smile on his lips, always. Ari had long realized that the smile was a façade, a covering for the cruelty underneath.

  “I’m glad you’re awake,” Dan said in a matter-of-fact voice. “I was beginning to think you were dying; but you have been sleeping all day.”

  Now, Ari remembered. “You hit me on the head,” she gasped. As if to confirm, her head began to hurt again and she raised a hand to it. There was a bandage wrapped all around her head.

  “Had to do you up a little bit, didn’t know I was going to hit you so hard,” Dan explained with a shrug.

  “What am I doing here?” she asked stupidly.

  “I want you back.”

  The simplicity of the words almost made her shake with laughter. But the words were accompanied by such sober expression that Ari knew he was serious. He really thought wanting her back was enough reason for her to be back. He had kidnapped her, hadn’t he? “But you signed the divorce papers,” she reminded me.

  “That damned lawyer of yours forced me to,” Dan informed her. “I had to sign so he would get off my back.” He rubbed his jaw. “I knew it was fate when I saw you walk into his office just when I was thinking of you.”

  “So you kidnapped me afterwards,” Ari surmised.

  Dan shrugged.

  “I am not going to be your wife again, Dan,” Ari was quick to let him know. “The law has separated us and nothing is bringing us back together.”

  “But I love you,” Dan protested as if that would make all things right.

  Ari shook her head. Couldn’t this man see that she meant business? Hadn’t he known when she ran from him and never came back? With every strength in her, Ari tried to get up. Only then did she realize that both her legs and one hand were chained up. “What is this?” she asked desperately.

  “Making sure you stay with me.”

  “We are no longer married, Dan!” she screamed at him. “Let me go!”

  “Listen honey, I know I was wrong for treating you the way I did, but I’m a changed man now. See, I even brought you this.”

  Ari couldn’t believe her ears. She watched in growing dismay as Dan grabbed a small pouch from inside his breast pocket and held it out like a trophy.

  “Let me go, you jackass! I am not coming back to you.”

  Dan frowned. “You never used to call me that? Where have you been staying all these months? They must have taught you nothing but shit.” He shook his head as if she was some particularly recalcitrant child.

  “This is not sensible,” she tried reasoning with him. “I am sure they’re looking for me and here will be the first place they’ll come. You’ll be arrested and thrown in jail.”

  “No, I won’t.” he returned cheerfully.

  His tone scared her more than the fixed smile on his face. “You won’t?” she asked slowly.

  “Yes, because if anyone comes here looking for you, you will tell them that you made a mistake. You’ve finally gotten your senses and came back to your husband. To me,” he said with great emphasis.

  Ari shook her head. “And if I don’t?” she asked in a very quiet voice.

  “You will. Trust me.”

  He raised a hand and she could see the gun in it. She gasped in shock.

  Ari stared at him. Suddenly, in his eyes, she saw what she hadn’t always seen. There was something wild and wicked in his eyes. He looked perfectly sane at first glance, but there was a crazy sneer to his lips, and lines around his eyes that spoke of a kind of meanness she’d never noticed in him before. Logan wasn’t like this. Ari found herself comparing both men even despite her situation. Logan was a true gentleman, a kind soul and there was no hint of madness around his eyes. She wanted to stay alive, so she could go back to him. Almost in a panic now, she tried to think of a way out. “Why are you doing this? What did I ever do to you to deserve this?”

  Dan laughed a harsh grating noise that hurt her ears. “I bought you clear from your dad, paid him a large sum of money. The damned old bastard almost milked me dry because I wanted to marry you. He said I could have you for all he cared. Why should I let you go? You are my property.”

  “I am no man’s property,” Ari hissed hotly.

  Dan ignored her. He climbed on top of the bed and before she knew what he was about to do, clasped her free hand with a chain. “I can bet you missed my loving,” he said in a soft voice. “I am going to remind you of how happy we were.”

  “We were never happy!” Ari screamed at him. “Don’t touch me! Get off me! Now!”

  “Oh no, we were happy. You liked it when I hit you. You always yelled so loudly. When I drive into you afterwards, it made me feel out of this world; you remember, don’t you?”

  Right there and then, Ari realized what she’d been missing all these years. The problem really had been with Dan and not her. She’d heard of men who liked to torture their partners but she hadn’t imagined that she was married to one. The pieces fell into place now, but things were beyond redemption. If Dan were to be believed, he would shoot her before letting her go. She wondered if he had ever been sane.

  She felt him climb on top of her and revulsion settled deep in her belly.

  “I missed fucking you, you know? All other women didn’t cry as hard as you do.” He immediately began to kiss her. “I want you so much.” His hands grabbed her breasts and squeezed hard.

  Ari almost threw up into his mouth. She began to struggle in earnest, kicking at him with her knees and trying to scream. But Dan’s hold on her was strong. And his lips would not leave her. He tore at her clothes and began to fondle her breasts.

  Then—she screamed


  Logan couldn’t keep calm.

  “Drive faster, man! Drive!”

  Nobody said a word in the car as he kept on pushing Everett to drive faster. Everett ground the accelerator. Luckily, they seemed to be in the clear, at least for now. Not one dreaded patrol car was behind them. That was the only positive thing he could think of at the moment. He thought of the million and one things he would do to Jackson if the man, the beast, laid one finger on Ari. There would be hell to pay. His only hope was that the police, whom Val had already called, were on their way to Jackson’s residence, because if they didn’t, Jackson would be dead.


  Val placed her hand on his shoulder and gave him a reassuring squeeze.

  He turned to face the woman whom he’d befriended years ago and who’d been his salvation. Her eyes told him that everything would be all right. There was no need for words.

  Before the three of them had raced out of the house and just about leapt into the Everett’s car, she’d called the precinct and spoken to one of her old buddies from when she worked as an officer. Getting Dan Jackson’s address from the lawyer, Mr. Green had been a bit tricky, but in the end, he’d relented and given in to their demands. He’d apologized profusely, somehow feeling guilty for inadvertently exposing Ari to her maniac of a husband; but his apologies wouldn’t help her, only them or the police would be able to do it.

  It saddened Logan that in all the months he’d known the love of his life, she still hadn’t felt comfortable enough to tell him where she’d run away from. She’d always been a bit vag
ue about it. Now since he knew where she’d lived during her years as Mrs. Jackson, he couldn’t believe she’d been exposed to the elements for so many hours on the night of her escape. Getting to Westbrooke wasn’t anything to take lightly. She’d made her way on foot from such a great distance.

  Of course, driving would have cut the duration of her escape by more than a half; but she hadn’t afforded the luxuries of having her own car or, at least, access to one of Jackson’s…and escape was all that mattered to her when she’d gotten the chance to do so.

  If that bastard has laid a finger on her again, I’ll kill him.

  Logan ground his feet on an imaginary accelerator. If only he was behind the wheel; but that wouldn’t have made much sense. They were in Everett’s vehicle, so it was fitting that he’d be the one to drive. Still, Logan felt helpless. His mind flashed on the possibilities. An evil man like Jackson would do anything to have his own way, even murder the woman he’d vowed to protect and love on their wedding day.

  Logan clenched his fists.

  Everett drove hard. Yet, time seemed to stand still. Finally, they got to the bastard’s place. Logan didn’t wait until the car stop before leaping out. He quickly scanned the area. It seemed like a quiet neighborhood; the sort where everybody minded their business. He was at the door in no time when he heard the scream.


  He felt his blood boil as he smashed his weight against the front door.


  Ari screamed in terror when Dan pulled down his zipper.

  Grinning wildly, he began to fondle himself in readiness for her. His eyes were on her breasts and they were glazed as if he couldn’t see her anymore.

  Ari thought she heard something crash but it could as well be her last hope at a decent existence. Her life was flashing before her. She saw herself playing with Emily.

  The day of her seventh birthday party. She could see herself playing musical chairs with her friends she’d invited to celebrate with her. How cute and innocent she was!

  Her mother’s funeral.

  And then Emily’s.

  Her wedding day, a day that should have been one of the happiest of her life, but which was merely a precursor to the hell she’d lived for the last two years.

  A tear slipped from her eye.

  Dan’s breathing heightened and she knew at once that her fear was exhilarating to him. However, Ari couldn’t stop struggling. She would die if he had his way with her. The only man she wanted was Logan.

  Her tears now flowing copiously, Ari realized she’d lost her opportunity with a man who truly loved her. She should have let him love her. That morning, she should have gone to him instead of driving into town. This wouldn’t have happened if she did. But she’d been stupid, thinking she needed time to think. What had there been to think about? Life wasn’t always nice, and it wouldn’t always hold on for you. One had to grab the moments…

  Ari knew she wasn’t going to be with Logan again. If Dan had his way with her one more time, she would feel too soiled for Logan. He deserved the best woman and some hours ago, she’d been ready to be that woman for him. Dan would let her sink low again. He would to make her feel dirty and she would never be able to face Logan ever again. Without a doubt, Ari knew she would die of shame rather than go to him.

  She opened her mouth to scream one more time, hoping that someone, anyone, would hear her and come to her rescue. But she knew that no one would hear her. Nobody had when she’d been beaten and abused for a long time either.

  Dan got his penis out, a wicked smile on his face.

  Logan, I’m sorry.

  As if her thoughts conjured him up, the door to the room flew open all of a sudden and there he stood. His eyes narrowed dangerously as he took in the scene before him.

  Val was right behind him.

  An animalistic sound escaped his lips as Logan rushed over to Dan who stood frozen in shock. Quickly, he recovered and leaned over to grab the gun lying on the bed; but he wasn’t quick enough. Not only was Val a smart woman, she was agile. She had the gun in her grasp and trained straight at him.

  Logan’s fist collided with Dan’s jaw just then.

  Ari felt the collision. And heard the crunching of bones. It was like a storm had taken over. But she knew what would happen after the storm. Everything would go quiet. It was always quiet after the storm.

  The last thing she heard was Dan’s horrific screams.


  Two years later…

  Ari had no idea where her feet stepped.

  With her back erect and eyes staring straight ahead, all Ari knew was that she’d never been surer of anything in her entire life. Soon, she would be Mrs. Cartwright.

  She felt giddy with excitement. Spring was by far her favorite season and she personally thought it was the most romantic. After all, what was more romantic than seeing the trees with their brightly colored leaves and the flowers in bloom in this deliciously warm weather? To her, spring held a lot of promise, which made it the most perfect season in which to get married. There were tons of flowers all around: flowers in her hair, on her dress, in the aisle, on the tables and on the wedding cake, of course. Even her freshly picked wildflower bouquet was amazing. What would a spring wedding be like if there weren’t flowers all around?

  Yet, everything felt surreal. The music coming from the piano was divine; it felt like she was in a dream. Everyone quieted as she appeared at the archway and stood to stare at her. She took in the large crowd in the bright daylight, the shining white chairs and the stunning decoration of cotton candy pink and the fragrance of flowers that assailed her senses. Val and the girls had really outdone themselves for her. She would have the most beautiful spring wedding ever.

  The guests arriving to the ceremony were served with a fresh spring drink, with a flower accessory attached to their glass.

  The sun shone brilliantly, the skies had never been so blue and Ari could see the hills just behind. They were at the clearing near the Hope Mountain; it was where Logan had wanted them to get married.

  “With the mountain in view, I want you to remember that there’s always hope,” he’d said the night he proposed.

  A shrill noise resounded in the air and Ari looked in its direction. There was old Lyle whistling loudly. His bushy brows wagged so comically, she couldn’t help but smile. Andy was beside him and so was Faye. She could see Faye and Khloe looking resplendent in their floral bridesmaid dresses. Amber was a picture of happiness, even as her husband stood protectively beside her, while he held their sleeping toddler in his arms. Even Mr. Green was there, as well as pretty much everybody in the entire town. They were all beaming at her, looking as proud as a parent at their child’s graduation.

  Ari felt overwhelmed. It was all too much; she could see the love and support on the faces of everybody. At times like this, she wondered what she’d done to deserve such favor from these people.


  Ari smiled at Val who was standing beside her. The older woman smiled right back, and together they continued their walk down the aisle, well actually, the petals on a grass aisle. It was simply amazing to feel its softness.

  Not even Val had been able to convince Ari to invite her father and stepmother to her wedding. As far as she was concerned, that chapter of her life was closed. And so was her life with Dan. She mentally shook her head. This wasn’t the time or place to even spare a glimmer of a thought on the brute of a man she’d married. But he was tucked away in prison now and by the time he got out, he’d be an old man, pretty much useless to himself and to society, which was a good thing.

  A damn good thing.

  With an imperceptible shake of her head, she brushed aside her thoughts and closed that other chapter of her life.

  Hopefully, for good.

  Perhaps, she might open up the page sometime in the future, but all she wanted to do for now was focus on her future with Logan.


  By default, her eyes
found him. He stood beneath another arch of flowers some feet away. Ari knew she wasn’t being biased by thinking he was the handsomest man in all of Texas. A light blue fabric comprised his three-piece suit. It became him, molding to his chest perfectly. She imagined running her hands over those silky, chest hairs later in the day and her breath hitched in her throat. Everett—whom she hope would eventually do what’s best for him and Khloe and ask for her hand in marriage because they truly loved each other—stood beside Logan looking odd and freshly shaven in his new suit. They both stood with the priest waiting for her.

  Her man, her soon-to-be husband, was waiting for her.

  With each step she took, Ari felt like she headed to her true destiny.

  And she knew she was.

  It felt like all her life, she’d been getting prepared for this day; the day when she would become Logan’s wife. Suddenly, everybody and everything disappeared. Ari couldn’t even feel Val’s hand on hers as they walked on.

  Her eyes were on Logan.

  Only Logan.

  After today, they were going to move to the Tanner’s lodge and begin their lives there. Ari couldn’t wait to formally open the new orphanage to the public. They already opened up the barn and had their first set of animals in the stables. Faye had wanted to move in with them, but of course, Val had silenced her with a look. Ari knew she was going to miss Val, the girls and everyone else on the ranch but she was consoled by the fact that town wasn’t more than a two-hour drive.

  “You’re beautiful,” Logan whispered to her as she took her place by his side,

  Ari’s body was suffused with warmth. Everyone who’d seen her in her wedding dress had told her exactly the same thing, but coming from Logan, she truly felt beautiful. In her wedding dress, made with lace and tulle that flared at the hips down to her ankles, she felt like the most beautiful woman in all of Texas. Logan’s eyes swept her from the crown of her hair which fell down against her bare shoulders down to her pastel pink stilettos. She could see the love and appreciation in his eyes. Ari knew that with this man, she would always be the sun that lit up his world.