Rescued by the Cowboy Page 11
A hand came up to rest on his chest and he captured it with one of his, content to leave it there. But she wanted to explore. She began to move the hand, passing it over his chest slowly. Her movement was unsure, as if she were performing an experiment. Logan let her do what she wanted. He continued to kiss her while she explored the vastness of his chest. When she grazed a nipple, he gasped but didn’t stop kissing her. Sensing he liked it, she placed her palm over his nipple and pressed down. He almost died on the spot. His tongue went deeper into her mouth and she moaned. Again, her hand grabbed a chunk of his chest and squeezed hard. He bucked against her.
She was going to kill him!
Logan tried to cling to some semblance of control. He was leaning away, ready to apologize for misbehaving once more, but Ari was having none of that.
Her hand dug beneath the buttons of his shirt and came in contact with his skin. His protest died on his tongue; he couldn’t even remember what he had been about to say. Her hand was smooth against his chest hairs and when she began to move the hand, the trail she left tingled with burning sensation. His groin hurt. The inside of his mouth felt cold, he felt parched and her mouth was the only well from which he could drink to quench his thirst. Slowly, as if yet unsure of herself, her hand smoothed over his broad chest until it found a nipple.
He hissed.
“Ari,” he started again.
She tweaked the nipple, hard.
He was almost mindless with desire for her now but Logan tried to keep cool, to let her decide and Ari seemed to be enjoying the power he gave to her.
“Please,” he heard himself say mindlessly.
She tweaked again, harder still. The little firecracker must know how much power she had over him. He could feel her smile into his mouth.
“You like it?” she whispered.
“Please.” It was all he could manage. Damn it! No woman had ever affected him like this.
She pressed her body against him and he could feel all her curves and her breasts! Oh, those breasts of hers against his chest were divine. He ground into her and she did the same to him, those breasts coming closer still. “Hot damn!” he swore just before he grabbed her closer and feasted on her lips once more.
Ari rubbed herself against him like a kitten, making soft mewling sounds that drove him over the edge. One hand was still playing with his nipple, driving him wild while the other hand grabbed his own hands and placed them on her butt. It was all the permission he needed.
Their movement became hurried as they touched each other everywhere.
Pent up desire and months spent skirting around each other burst forth in the kiss they shared. Her hands were wild all over him as his were on her body. He glided his hands along the smoothness of her curves and was gratified to feel her tremble beneath his hands. His hands smoothed slowly along all the way to her breastbone. Her breath fell out in a whoosh into his mouth.
His fingers found a nipple through her gown and he hissed. She hadn’t been wearing a bra under the simple plaid dress she wore to dinner. He felt grateful that he hadn’t known the entire time he sat close to her. If he did, he would be stark raving mad by now. He couldn’t stop kissing her. He knew he should, but he’d waited for so long, longed for her for what seemed like eternity, he couldn’t muster enough will to stop himself in his tracks. He grabbed and tweaked one nipple with two fingers and she moaned into his mouth. The sound was heavenly. It made his blood boil.
Suddenly, Logan wasn’t satisfied with just kissing her. He needed to taste her all over. He needed her like he needed no other person. He yearned to place his stamp on her, ask her to hold on to him and never let go. He stopped kissing her lips, but only long enough to trace a kiss along her throat. Her dress was low cut, stopping just at her cleavage. It was decent enough but right now, he wanted to tear it off her. He dipped a tongue into her cleavage and she bucked in his hands. She clung to him like her life depended on him.
He took a step back and she cried in protest. He took one look at her plump lips and high, curved cheekbones, her glazed eyes and pulled her right back into his arms.
She kissed him eagerly, her body seeking his. “I want you,” she told him.
“I want you,” he repeated.
Her groin grounded into his in reply. Her hand found his and brought them against her breasts again.
“I’m going to take you inside,” he said into her mouth.
She continued to kiss him.
He leaned down and lifted her into his arms. She didn’t stop kissing him as he carried her into the house. He took her straight to his bed. He felt sorry that he couldn’t provide something more decent for her; she was a princess and deserved to be treated like royalty.
However, Ari wouldn’t permit him to dwell on the thought. As soon as he set her on the bed, she dragged him into it with her.
He tried to resist one more time. “Are you sure about this?” he asked, breathing heavily.
Her gaze clashed with his. “I have never been surer about anything in my entire life!” she declared fervently.
Logan felt his spirits soar. With a victorious groan, his lips swooped down to claim hers. He positioned himself between her thighs and claimed her mouth over and over again.
She matched each thrust of his tongue with a powerful one of hers.
Now wild with desire, he went back to her breasts and she leaned forward so he could have better access. With a hand, he dragged down the dress so her breasts were even more visible. The gown clung to her skin; he couldn’t get it to go any lower than her cleavage so he settled instead for taking a nipple into his mouth through the gown.
She hissed, nibbled and sucked on his ear. Her fingers dug into his hair but all he felt was euphoria, no pain.
Ari had ample breasts compared to the size of her body and he loved it just so. She was all womanly curves and smooth skin and he couldn’t wait to touch her skin with his. His hands pushed up against her breasts and he lapped at the mounds, trying to find her nipple with his tongue. Suddenly, she sidled out of his hands. He felt bereft for an instant but was relieved hear the sound of a zipper coming down.
His hands found her skin but Ari wanted more. She grabbed the tail of his shirt and pulled. He took over from her and he was soon shirtless. Her hands found the zipper on his pants next.
Covering her hands with his, he proceeded to rid himself of the pants. His cock sprang directly into her hands. He convulsed at the touch, his mind further falling into a dark abyss where she was the only light.
He moved to claim her mouth, to find a nipple but she held a hand to his chest.
“Get the light,” she said softly.
“”What?” he asked, his mind was numb with need.
“Switch on the light, I want to see you,” she said.
Logan moved quickly to obey.
The light came on and his gaze unerringly found her. He stood fixed to the spot, staring at her. She was glorious. Her skin was smooth. There was a huge, dark mole on her left breast and he licked his lips as he imagined tugging at the mole with his tongue and lips. Her hair had fallen out of the band she used to hold them and they formed a halo around her face. She looked absolutely delectable.
Her eyes shone with desire for him and he wanted to roar his pride to the ceiling. Her gaze remained fixed on his erection which had stood at attention for her. She smacked her lips together.
His blood churned.
As if on an invincible pull, he went back to her and fell on his knees before her. “You are beautiful,” he said reverently.
“As you are,” she whispered.
They stared into each other’s eyes for the longest time. Her eyes did not waver from his and in them, he could see no hesitation, only the willingness to be with him. In a distant part of Logan’s brain, he recognized that tonight, she might be willing to do away with all her clothes but what would happen tomorrow?
“Let her set the pace
. Let her decide if she wants to be with you, go to bed with you and every other single damn thing.”
Logan waited for her to take the lead.
She did.
Her gaze fell slowly to his cock, the damned thing stretched even more as if it would run to her. With steady hands, she grabbed its head and squeezed. He threw back his head and groaned loudly. She squeezed again, this time grabbing his balls and squeezing too. He bucked repeatedly into her hands. He almost came then, and he might have if her soft, warm, moist mouth hadn’t come down on him. Pleasant surprise brought his head down to gaze at her but all he saw was her head as she pleasured him with her mouth. He went wild at the invasion. He grabbed a few strands of her hair and pulled but the little vixen would not stop. Her body seemed to know what to do with him even when he still hesitated to touch her.
She used both her lips and teeth on him. She sucked and bit him alternatively, fondling his balls until he thought he couldn’t take it anymore.
“Ari, if you don’t stop, I’ll come,” he warned.
“Come,” she said simply and continued to drive him to heaven and back with her little mouth.
He tried to hold on but in the last minute, he roughly pulled out of her mouth and yelled as he released. Her mouth hung deliciously open as she watched him. Her eyes were wicked as she reached to grab him again as soon as he was spent. His cock sprang alive again, the shameless thing.
“Oh no!” he grabbed her waist instead. “It’s my turn to pleasure you.”
She laughed as he threw her on the bed and stood in between her legs. He worshiped her with his eyes for a moment before leaning down to trail kisses on her face. From there, he went down to her jaw, her neck, her chest and just when he would have touched a breast with his kiss, he went down to her stomach.
“Oh,” she protested.
He ignored her. He peppered her stomach with kisses, played with her navel and went lower still. She rose on the bed, writhing mindlessly now. He kissed her inner thigh, breathing softly around her core. She grabbed his head and sank fingers into his neck.
“Logan,” she grated out his name.
He smiled. He wasn’t nearly started yet. Instead of stopping at her mound between her thighs, he went down to kiss her knees, all the way down to her toes.
“Logan!” she said with frustration in her voice. She tried to get up, to take things in her hands, but he pressed down with his weight. He began to go all the way up again and she stilled expectantly. Suddenly, he delved a tongue into her folds and she bucked in relief. He was out within a second.
“Ohhh,” she moaned. “Please.”
Before she knew what he was about, her nipple was between his teeth. He bit down softly against the succulent flesh. Her breath came out rushed. From there on, they went wild.
His fingers slipped into her wet core while he pulled on one nipple after the other with his lips and teeth. He made love to her with his fingers, his tongue and his lips while she kept him alive with her fingers too. The bed shook with their motions and sweat clung to their bodies, but neither of them noticed as they tried to keep up with one another.
“I—need—you—now,” Ari cried all of a sudden.
He went to her mouth and roughly kissed her, ignoring her demand. In reply, she grabbed his hard length and tried to put him into her. He pulled away and she hissed in annoyance. Suddenly, she pushed him away from her. He was surprised by her strength as she jumped into his hands and pushed him unto the bed. He was given only a moment to prepare before he felt her glide over him.
Their meeting was so complete, so divine as if he was made for her and she for him. He closed his eyes as she held on for a second, feeling around inside herself until she found the perfect position. Then, she began to move. He rose against the headboard and dug his elbows into the bed to accommodate her movements. Then, he began to move with her, their rhythm set as if by an agreement. Her breasts bounced with each thrust and he grabbed them with his mouth, sucking and pulling relentlessly. The sounds she made above him joined with his and together, they sang a love song that was beautiful to his ears. She drove him endlessly; she drove him like the wind.
And he let her.
They came together. Their release was the sweetest thing that Logan had ever experienced in his life. As she fell onto his chest, he grabbed her, holding her close and promising never to let go.
She’s mine.
“I had sex with Logan last night.”
The words hit the air like a well aimed soccer ball. Khloe stopped in the middle of bringing out vegetables to cut and froze. Faye left the tap running and swirled around to face her with wide eyes and mouth hanging open. Val was just coming in and the woman simply stopped at the door to stare at Ari.
Ari sighed. She’d been up before everybody else and came down to the kitchen. Singlehandedly, she had cleaned the house and was just finishing up with washing the dishes when the girls came in together.
She knew it was selfish of her, but Ari knew if she didn’t say it outright like she did, Khloe would just start talking about her night with Everett and Ari would lose her nerve and she would just die from everything that was bottled up inside of her.
“What?!” Khloe yelled at last, finding her voice.
“You did not!” Faye echoed her sister’s tone.
“We did,” Ari said in a quiet voice.
She searched one girl’s eyes after another, waiting for the revulsion and condemnation. She had come into their ranch, eaten their food and slept under their roof and now, she was sleeping with one of their cowhands. But there was no condemnation in their faces. What she found instead was worry for her; worry and curiosity. Her eyes moved to Val last.
The mother of the two girls walked into the kitchen and came to stand in front of her. “Well, it was time you gave that poor lad a chance,” the woman drawled and drew Ari into a hug.
Ari sucked in a breath. She hadn’t expected to be held by this woman and she certainly hadn’t expected the smile of approval on Val’s face. She could see Khloe and Faye smiling, too.
“Don’t you understand?” Ari was sniffing now as tears threatened. “I—I—umm…I behaved…” then she rushed on, before she completely lost her nerve. “I’m a disgrace to your hospitality. You’ve taken me in, treated me like one of your own and I still behaved like a—like a—harlot. Plus, I barely even know Logan other than he works here and I all but jumped into his bed. And my divorce isn’t even final yet. And—”
“Wait right there, young lady,” Val didn’t allow her to finish.
“What are you talking about?” Khloe asked in confusion.
“Nonsense, if you ask me,” Faye said loudly. She was staring at Ari as if she was the dumbest person on earth.
“Behave, Faye, or leave this instant.” Her mother glared at her.
“She really is talking gibberish,” Faye muttered.
“Faye!” Khloe scolded her sister.
The girl kept mute but only looked defiant like she’d said her piece and anybody could arrest her for all she cared.
“Come, have a seat,” Val told Ari. The woman grabbed Ari’s hand and pulled her into the dining room just outside of the kitchen.
The girls followed.
“I’ll take your concerns one after the other,” Val started. “But first, I’ll like to say that I’m glad you finally opened up this way. It’s good for you,” she said with a rueful twist to her lips.
Ari thought she heard Faye say, “I’m sure she wouldn’t be if I did the same with Andy,” but nobody paid her any attention.
Val continued, “First, you did not behave wantonly. Sex is the result of a mutual attraction between a man and a woman and in your case and Logan’s, I would say the attraction was glaring from the moment he brought you to my doorstep.”
“It was?” Ari asked, dazed.
“Only you couldn’t see it, sister,” Faye quipped. As usual, she was ignored.
/> Khloe nodded at Ari sympathetically. “We all knew he was attracted to you and you to him.”
“But I wasn’t,” Ari started to say.
“Oh, you were, my dear, you were,” Val interrupted. “You were only too blinded by your situation to see it.”
Ari fell silent. Her mind was still jumbled up with everything that had happened with Logan. She couldn’t think straight.
“And you are concerned that you have disgraced us,” Val went on. “You could never do that, Ari. You see, I’ve been watching you since you came here and I have to say I admire your strength, your resilience and your good-heartedness. You are now one of my daughters and I have to say that I am disappointed that you still count yourself as an outsider. Having sex with someone you like and who likes you isn’t going to make me kick you out of the house, nor is it in any way disgraceful to me. What I’d like to know is when the wedding will be!”
“Wedding?” Ari asked, dumbstruck.
“Surely, you and Logan have discussed something more…permanent. I am sure he would like to have you to himself!”
Ari stared down at her hands stupidly. “Actually, I ran out of the bunkhouse before he woke up. I didn’t know how to face him after what we’d done.”
“Ari…” Khloe groaned out in frustration. “If it were Everett and me, I would be the first to wake him with a kiss and then ask him to marry me!”
Faye smirked at her sister but said nothing.
“You should have stayed back. I’m sure Logan is already drawing up wedding plans.” Val smiled gently. “As a matter of fact, I’m sure the only reason he isn’t here right now is because he knows we are going to be doing this right now. Or because he is willing to give you time to think things through. He is an astute man, Logan is.”
“I can’t get married!” Ari wailed. “I like him and all and I agree he is a good man, but I can’t get married.”
“And why not?” Khloe asked in obvious confusion.
“I seriously cannot understand you!” Faye yelled at her.
Val glared at her younger daughter. “If you cannot express yourself with decorum, you might want to leave now.”